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The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

Students running the coffee shop pose for a group picture with new technology to accept credit and debit card payments.
South High Coffee Shop opens for the year with new improvements
Kai Heidman and Kaija Halvorson January 17, 2024

This year the South high coffee shop is under new management. Mr. Ziehm, a fairly new teacher to South, took over teaching the Coffee Shop Career...

Hill Stone Arch Bridge, or otherwise known as The Stone Arch Bridge is known for being one of the most popular tourist attractions and the second oldest bridge in the Twin Cities.
Estimated 2 year Stone Arch Bridge renovation creates inconvenience
Jo Danielson, Staff Writer • November 14, 2023

Known for one of the most popular tourist attractions and the second oldest bridge in the Twin Cities, the famous Stone Arch bridge, the bridge...

A weekend full of tiger spirit, this year’s homecoming game and dance headlined the fall school experience. “We felt like after Covid there’s been kind of a lack of school spirit and so we wanted to bring it back,” said Student Council co-president Neela Hammer. “‘All out’ is like going above and beyond and making things as fun as possible.”
South High kicks off the school year with homecoming weekend
Griffin Larson and Lo Norvell October 30, 2023

On Saturday, October 7th South High hosted its homecoming game against Patrick Henry highschool on the school’s very own Les Barnard field....

A power outage on Friday May 12 before the start of the school day led many students to leave the building and miss parts of first, second and third hour. “[Staff at the front door] said the power might be on at 11, so [we should] come back to school at 11,” recalled freshman Riley Olson. “A lot of people went back home.” However, Principal Afolabi Runsewe claimed and maintains that students were told to stay in the commons and were never given the option to leave school.
Power outage causes confusion, missed classes due to poor communication
Griffin Larson, Staff Writer • June 5, 2023

On Friday May 12, South High School and parts of the surrounding neighborhood experienced a power outage that only lasted for around half an...

We shouldn’t have any excuses to not want to be in school when we get back
We shouldn’t have any excuses to not want to be in school when we get back
Shanell Gordon, Staff Writer • May 27, 2020

This Stay at Home Order has been very frustrating because I had to stay in the house for the most part. Plus I had a lot of plans that I had to cancel because of...

Kindness and compassion have never been so valuable
Kindness and compassion have never been so valuable
Eamonn Briem, Multimedia Editor • May 27, 2020

Kindness is key.  The willingness to supersede frustration, impatience and negativity in the pursuit of kindness is something that everyone especially people our...

School closure has helped grant me the freedom that I needed
School closure has helped grant me the freedom that I needed
Quentin Wolf, Staff Writer • May 27, 2020

This "vacation" that we have received from this virus has had pros and cons. While it is very unfortunate that many are dying, and will continue to die, school closure...

Students standing in lunch lines longer than ever before
New School Lunch Schedule Causing New Issues for South High Students
Kai Heidman, Staff Writer • December 12, 2023

This year South consolidated the number of lunches from three to two, creating unforeseen complications for students. The new schedule eliminated...

Many high grossing and hugely successful concert films were released in theaters in 2023. Image courtesy of: The Riverview Theater
How concert films are changing modern concert going
Greta Meissner, Staff Writer • February 2, 2024

The rise of the concert film is making arena concerts more accessible to larger audiences, is this a good thing? For the most part, yes! In 2023...

South’s conjoined swim team takes a close victory over their rival team, Southwest, putting them in the lead of the conference.
TMT wins rivalry meet vs. Southwest
Max Niblett, Staff Writer • January 16, 2024

Expectations were high for South’s team, TMT and Southwest going into the meet at Phillips community center, home pool for TMT. TMT and Southwest...

Phones in schools: a hard cell
Eamonn Briem and Madeline Mahoney April 17, 2019

The last performance of the night was done by seniors Liam McQuade, Jacqueline Roueche, junior Sten Bulander, and sophomore Julia Schrag.
Sounds of South Podcast
Izzy Willette and Eli Shimanski December 15, 2017

Listen to the first Southerner podcast here:

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