Making the best of a strange situation


Yasemin Isaacs, Staff Writer

Hello Southerner readers! What a strange time this is. I’m finding that I have a little too much time on my hands recently. Normally I’m used to being extremely busy and stressed, so having time to relax, destress is certainly an adjustment. 

I’ve found that being creative is something that has helped me a lot so far. I enjoy sewing, knitting, painting, and frankly, anything of that sort. Last week, I sewed a sundress for myself (that I’ll hopefully be able to wear outside at some point). It is a nice maroon color and has a cute little zipper going down the back. I’m actually very proud of it, which is not something I’ve felt about a project in a while. 

In November I started knitting a sweater, so I’m continuing that. It’s knit with navy blue wool yarn and is super cosy so far, I’ll hopefully be able to finish that by the end of all this. I have trouble sitting still and just doing one thing at a time, so I often knit while cuddled up on the couch with my cat and a good romantic comedy. 

I switch every other week between my two parent’s houses, so that has actually been very helpful during this time. It’s been refreshing to have a change of scenery every week, as well as a change of family members. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but my step-siblings can certainly be annoying at times, so it is nice to have a break from all that when I go to my mom’s house. 

If I were to offer some tips for troubled quarantines (and adults), it would be to make a plan. Having a consistent schedule has helped my brain a lot with adjusting to our current world situation. I get up at a reasonable time, have structure time for work, time for creativity, time for family, and outside/workout time.  It keeps my brain healthy and happy when I know more or less what to expect. Also going outside, even if it’s just in your backyard has been very beneficial for me. Don’t forget to stay connected to your friends, whether that’s calling, Facetime, or writing letters. That has helped me a lot. Be safe, and take care of yourself!