Take it one day at a time


Debra Snell

While this is a time of great uncertainty, I have found some of the challenges to be invigorating.  Learning new systems and communicating that information to others has felt rewarding. Finding new ways to connect to others has pushed me to try new things.   I am enjoying sleeping in, going for walks and reading books as well as expanding my professional boundaries. In Matthew chapter 6 it says, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own”. So, I am taking this one day at a time, confident that we survived the great depression and multiple wars. This will not destroy us.

When I was growing up and something bad happened, my parents always said, “we are making a memory”.  They were right. Some of the strongest memories of my childhood are from difficult situations. Those events were also the situations that brought us closer as we united to overcome whatever the issue was.  We will never forget this period of social distancing and how we worked to help each other. I acknowledge that for some people this is a harder time than it is for others and my thoughts are with you.  

On a lighter note: I am really enjoying all the parents on social media recommending raises for teachers.