Local Minneapolis band features South High student

Satya Varghese Mac

A Minneapolis originated band, Treading North, is gaining local and national fame. Having released an EP and a full-length album, the musicians have made their mark in the Twin cities music culture.

Soline Van de Moortele, Staff Writer

Treading North, a Minneapolis-based band, that has acquired some local and even national fame, has become an icon in the Minneapolis culture. Composed of seven people – Nick Meza, Dough Loll, Jack Stanek, Elana Hansen and Tyler Croat -, the band initially got together the summer of 2012 when Gabe Rodreik, the lead singer, connected with a few of the members to dawn it. Of the members is Miles Jamison, a senior at South High.

Treading North is an Indie rock band with influences of jazz, hip hop and blues. Having a diverse cast of musicians, their music varies; with a saxophonist, pianist, two guitarists, vocals, percussion and a bass player, their range of styles is extensive and hip. “Julia”, one of their most popular songs is a good example of their unique angle; smooth, but textured and jazzful. Their concerts are always very fun, with a good audience and the band gives a good atmosphere to the environment.

Jamison plays trumpet and is one of the guitarists for the band. He’s been playing music since fourth grade, and joined Treading North in his eighth grade summer, when Gabe Rodreik, his childhood friend, invited him to.

The band has grown in fame throughout the years; they’ve played numerous times at 7th st entry, at Fineline and at the Triple Rock Social Club. The band also performed at the Ms. MN Wheelchair beauty pageant.

They’ve now released a full length album and an EP, and have integrated themselves into the Minneapolis music scene. “I think a lot of the music scene in Minneapolis is pretty tight so it’s cool they’re a part of it” says Sam Stroup, a senior at South. “..it’s cool to have someone at South who’s part of that music scene”.

Treading North will perform at the Weisman art museum and the Amsterdam Bar and Hall in April.