The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

Elliott Askari-Rabe

Elliott Askari-Rabe, Staff Writer

Elliott Askari-Rabe is joining the Southerner for his first year and we are so excited to have his profound knowledge of politics and literature. Askari-Rabe is a senior and has always been interested in journalism, specifically surrounding politics. He had always wanted to be a part of the staff, but never could find the time in his schedule to join the team. This year, he was able to fit it in. Askari-Rabe is hoping to use newspaper as a way to understand the school better and get better at writing journalistic pieces. He also hopes it can help deepen his understanding of politics, especially local issues.

Outside of school, Askari-Rabe reads voraciously. He is a big fan of fantasy and nonfiction and reads everyday, sometimes even finishing a whole book in ONE DAY! He also finds politics very interesting, following the local, regional and national news. He checks multiple news sites and finds reporting very informative and entertaining. With his sharp mind, Askari-Rabe also likes to keep his body sharp with tennis, the sport of the learned. Askari-Rabe will provide a great perspective on politics literature and be an inquisitive mind on the South staff this year.

All content by Elliott Askari-Rabe