Nick Carter hopes to pedal to the Olympics

Wil Matthews

Nick Carter races in the Pan American Championships is Canada on November 3rd, where he placed first. Nick Carter said “I won on the first day, which sadly wasn’t the qualifying day.”

Ellie Barnett-Cashman, Staff Writer

Olympics bound biker Nick Carter has been racing since age nine and biking practically since he could walk. Nick Carter has won nationals for his age group twice and said “I’d say that’s my biggest accomplishment so far.” His younger brother, Jack Carter said “I think at the rate he’s going up right now, I think he could make it to like the Olympics or places way bigger than he’s already gone.”

Nick Carter places high in races all over the country and in Canada. In early November of 2018, he raced in Canada for the Pan American Championships and placed first on day one and second in the championships on day two.

The past two years Nick Carter has been in an elite Olympic training program that only accepts 15 junior riders every year. He said “I went the last two years to Colorado Springs, to the olympic training center, where they take junior riders… it’s kind of like scouting.”

Nick Carter was recently picked up by a few new professional teams that he’ll be racing with, the Kansas City Cycle Trouts and the Hot Tubes Development Team. The teams are based out of state, so Nick Carter said “I’ll travel with them and stay with them, race with them.” He is able to do this as a result of the resources provided by his team’s sponsors, which includes Sram, Feedback Sports, Donelly, Fizik, and more.

These sponsors provide Nick Carter and his team with glasses, bikes, clothes, helmets, transportation to events and more. Nick Carter said “They cover everything, I get bikes from them, clothing from them.” He also mentioned that in the national competition “all our sponsors are helping, they’re paying for the three guys on my team who are going there, flights all the way out there, housing when we’re out there.” He’s very thankful and said that “besides just giving us stuff to use and bikes to use they’re the big reason I can get to all the races.”

Nick Carter has brought a lot to the South mountain biking team, and a fellow biker, Ethan Peterson said “We’re kind of known more, due to some of the races [where] we’ve gotten our results up [on the leaderboard] so other teams can say ‘Oh that’s South. We recognize you.’ He said that Carter brings “A lot of competition, a lot of kids definitely want to compete against him, and be as fast as he is.”

Teammates agree that Nick Carter is also very focused on helping other less experienced riders. Ethan Peterson said “He’s not like super cocky… he’ll definitely help people out all the time.” Jack Carter added, “On the team he’s really supportive towards the younger riders.” Nick Carter agreed and said that “me and some of my friends are there to help the younger kids, or the newer kids, to like the sport more and to be more experienced.”

Not only does Nick Carter influence his teammates, but also his brother Jack Carter. “He’s always served as kind of an inspiration… [but] sometimes it feels like I could never catch up with him, like when he first won nationals, and I still go to nationals and I place there but it always feels like an accomplishment that I could never achieve.”

Nick Carter has been biking for as long as he can remember. He said “I started racing when I was probably 7, like kids racing, I did my first actual race when I was 9 and since then it’s been a Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter sport for me every year.”

Nick and Jack Carter both share the love of biking and Jack Carter said  “Both of us have been biking since we were really young because our dad was into the sport, so he got us into it at a young age and then we started doing local races when we were first allowed to race, when we were old enough and as we started getting better we started traveling around the country and now we’ve both gone to national events and placed there.”

Nick Carter wouldn’t be nearly as involved in biking if it weren’t for his dad. He said “My dad raced even before I was born when we still lived in Washington, and I remember when I could first walk… I would go to the races and I was like ‘Oh he’s so cool I wanna be just like him.’ and so that’s sort of what got me into it.”

In the future, Peterson said “He’s looking at biking colleges so that would be good for him, he’s already on a pretty good track, he’s on a pro team and they’re gonna go to worlds this year.”

As Jack Carter said “He’s choosing his life in a good way…he doesn’t miss too much school for biking… so he doesn’t mess up his life in the future.” Peterson adds “He should just stay with it and stay dedicated, he’s made it so far already.”