Homecoming Attendance Drops

Laura Turner, Manager

This year’s Homecoming dance attendance dropped from its usual 500-600 to 268 people at the September 20th  dance. The majority of attendees were underclassmen. Both Student Council advisor Nikki Schneider and dance committee chair, senior Olivia Peterson attributed the drop to the Homecoming game and dance being on different days. The dance was postponed to a week after the game because of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. “I understand,” said Peterson, “But at the same time I know I didn’t see those people [who complained to postpone the dance] at the dance anyway.”

Peterson also noted that last year’s dance was disappointing to many attendees. She interpreted this as disappointment for the “Under the Sea” theme. This year’s theme was “Tigers in Time,” which was broader and produced a range of creative costumes.

Peterson noted that the dance “Strayed from tradition.” Upperclassmen, she said, have an understanding that homecoming is a casual dance. Many underclassmen attended the dance with dates dressed more formally than was typical of past years.

Despite straying from tradition, Peterson said overall people enjoyed the dance.