South Bids Farewell To Saddler

Ms. Cecilia Saddler at her farewell ceremony on Sept. 4th as she transitions to Associate Superintendent .
September 6, 2013
Former South Principal Cecilia Saddler bid farewell on Wednesday, September 4th, as the South High community came together to celebrate her transition to Associate Superintendent. A ceremony in South High’s common area included messages and performances by many student groups including the East African Student Association, National Honor Society, Student Council, the jazz band, Unidos, S.T.A.R.T., and the Instructional Leadership Team.
Cupcakes, conversation, and an introduction by Assistant Principal Jean Webb-Bradford started the evening out on a positive and appreciative note.
“I read the poem “Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou because she [Saddler] is a phenomenal woman,” Webb-Bradford stated. “She was very open to communicate with family and students, valued equality, diversity, worked on closing the achievement gap, and curriculum development.”
The ceremony continued with an Umoja rite of passage, drumming, and a Native American honor drum performance. This was followed by positive messages and stories by many others including South High Student Council Senior, Sugei Leal.
“It [the ceremony] was our way to say thank you for all of [Saddler’s] years of service and all the things [Ms. Saddler] did,” Leal explained. “She [Saddler] was really touched by the way we all came together.”
Dr. Willarene Beasley will be filling in as interim principal and although Saddler left some big shoes to fill, many believe Beasley is stepping up to the plate.
“I’ve worked with Beasley in the past and she’s very similar to Saddler,” Jean Webb-Bradford said. “She [Beasley] just needs to keep doing what shes doing!”