The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

The South High School student news site

The Southerner

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Students and administration disagree over spirit week

Students and administration disagree over spirit week
Friday, “tiger day,” was one of the days both Student Council and the administration agreed upon.

South’s Student Council and the administration had different visions for the spirit days during homecoming week.  Student Council President Connor Bass explained that despite Student Council’s efforts to cooperate, the administration set the days without leniency.

Said Student Council advisor Nicole Schneider, “We don’t just pick [spirit days] willy-nilly… We also try to be creative at the same time which is a hard juxtaposition to be in when you have to adhere to all their rules.”

Administrator Steve Simondet had a different interpretation of the process.  He explained that “Nothing was rejected.   [The days were decided] in partnership with the Student Council and the administration and student advisor… Ms. Schneider.”

Student Council had to submit three separate proposals to the administration for spirit days.  The original proposal included Career Day, Harry Potter House Cup Day, Disney Day, Twin Day, and Senior Citizen Day.  According to both Bass and Schneider, the administration viewed suggested days as opportunities for inappropriate and offensive attire and behavior.

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The final plan for spirit week began on Monday with South Jersey and T-Shirt Day and continued with Disney Day, 50s Day, Tie-Dye Day, and ended with Tiger Day.  Simondet explained that the administration selected South Jersey and T-Shirt Day for Monday despite continuing the tradition of holding Tiger Day on Friday as the administration’s concern that they should “open and close [the week] with tiger pride.”

Bass and Schneider agreed that many of the days were changed because of safety concerns.  Simondet interpreted the main concerns in choosing spirit week days as “student involvement, making sure everyone is involved, positive, excited about school spirit, [and] promoting South as a lead school in Minneapolis.”

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