Store shutdown causes unintended consequences

Avery Craves, Staff Writer

The Healthy Alternatives store was the place to go if anyone wanted a snack. Students could walk in during passing time, pick out a desired snack, hand in the money, and go off to class. Healthy Alternative became so popular that lines would form and stretch through the hallway, making it hard for some passers-by to get through. However, this is no longer a problem, as Healthy Alternatives has been shut down, and no one can buy snacks before school or during passing time.

Doug Berglund, social studies teacher and former coach of the Quiz Bowl team, had trouble getting enough funds to support the team and send them to meets, so his substitute method was to open his own store, Healthy Alternatives. Healthy Alternatives was Berglund’s way of providing the money to keep Quiz Bowl up and running, as well as buy things for his students, such as tissues. The money earned was used for academic purposes. Berglund stated that “for sure [it is] non-profit.”

But Berglund can no longer continue his store after 10 years of being open. He has been shut down and stripped of his permission to sell food. As far as Berglund is aware, he was closed because of a district policy. “If it’s an old policy, it’s been overlooked intentionally for for years and years, because I’ve consciously asked both principals, I wrote letters,” Berglund said.

It’s not as if Berglund has been running the store without permission. “I had to play by the rules,” explained Berglund. “I had to get permission from the principals, both with Linda Nelson and Cecilia Saddler. I had to formally request could I do it, then I had to go by their caveats, their overriding rules.”

With these rules, Berglund could not sell pop, or anything with the first ingredient as sugar. Berglund has always abided by these rules.

But Berglund was shut down, and as a result quit as the coach for the Quiz Bowl team. Berglund did not want to take any more time to try and set up fundraisers to raise money for Quiz Bowl. He stated that he did not have the time to do so, between his higher level classes and his personal life, and he doesn’t enough money on him to keep paying for Quiz Bowl meets and wait to be reimbursed later. And so social studies teacher Macy Ashby took his place.

No one was happy about Berglund quitting, even Berglund himself was unhappy about his decision. The coach change left returning Quiz Bowl players uneasy.

“I’m a little nervous,” said Gabe Steller, senior. “Berglund knew what he was doing. He knew how to organize the meets and get us to the meets, and get us pizza.” However Ashby still seems optimistic.

Berglund’s in-class store was a place where many students could get a snack, should they want or need it. Kai Hart, a senior, has said that Berglund’s store was a place where he could get his food for lunch. Iris Serrano is a sophomore who would use Berglund’s store for breakfast and sometimes lunch. Even freshman Sandy Shiwmangal enjoys getting a snack from Healthy Alternatives. “I feel more energized when I get a snack from [Berglund’s] Store,” said Shiwmangal.

Berglund wasn’t the only teacher to have a store. Social studies teacher Dan Anderson also had an in-class store. However, Anderson did not clear it with the administration and he shut himself down in attempt to avoid confrontation. Anderson’s store also had the purpose of using the money to buy things for the class, contrary to popular belief. “I’m not buying a boat, the money is for the class,” Anderson explained when asked what the money went to.

Dingman Yu, the Chinese teacher, had tried selling coffee earlier in the year, but stopped due to the messes students would make, and lack of payment on the students’ part. However, Yu has always let his tea be free, because he has so much of it and doesn’t want all of it for himself. “I have enough tea to open up my own tea shop somewhere,” says Yu. “So the tea is always free.”

Not every student found it as a way to get food. Senior Tereza Kempainen used it as a way to donate to quiz bowl. Being a former member of quiz bowl at another school, Kempainen wanted to contribute. Now that she can’t donate, she asked “How do you support the team?”