Crossword Answers – November

You’ve had a stab at filling out the crossword, now here are the answers.


4. Blaise Davis

He works in the autism program.

6. Lauren Lewis

She used to work in Italy and Germany.

7. James Schultz

He was the ski coach at South from 1993-94.

9. Megan Raleigh

She is a new occupational therapist.

11. Kristi Maine

She skijores with her dog in her free time.

13. Lorene Irons

She’s an assistant Scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts.

14. Steve Lish

He enjoys playing the guitar and spending time with his kids.

15. Lydia Ninham

This check and connect staff person speaks Ojibwe.

19. Christina Rates

She was on the dance team in high school.

20. Willarene Beasley

She is our new Ms. Saddler.

21. Tyler Jensen

He got married within the last two weeks.

22. Allison Criss

Before she got a job at South, she was Ms. Schneider’s student teacher.

23. Shannon Gavin

She teaches a language you read from right to left.



1. Brian Just

He likes to play the glockenspiel.

2. Laurie Furey

She is the head engineer.

3. Marsha Gaulke

This counselor’s favorite place to visit is Mt Humphries, in Flagstaff, AZ.

5. David Pierce

He takes care of all our computers.

8. Tori Tomlinson

This Check & Connect staff person is left handed.

10. Tiffany Giese

She trains for races in her freetime.

12. Mark Johnson

He has been involved in some paranormal investigations.

14. Amado Lay

If he were an animal, he would be a gopher.

16. Elizabeth Hultberg

She has over 50 pairs of blue jeans.

17. Anna Hanson

Her title is Officer.

18. Scott Wentworth

He is a Canadian citizen.