Science Classes Learn Outside of The Classroom



Anna Schwartz

The students in Kate Rosok’s Earth Science classes spent extra time outside of class on Sept. 11, when they obtained their own data on the angle of the sun.

 The purpose of the project was to “study the sun’s path through the sky,” said Rosok.  The main appeal of the project is that it allows students to collect original data for the class.  “We have some really good data,” said Rosok.  “It’s so cool because people are taking this data themselves.”

Groups of students came every hour, on the hour to measure the sun, either by the windows in Rosok’s room, or outside the northwest corner of the school.  “Every person… take[s] the measurements for the hour they’re assigned to” explained senior Naomi Osunkoya-Clark.  “I left my sixth hour.”

Rosok sent out an email in advance to the teachers at South, alerting them of the student’s project and the fact that they would be leaving to get measurements at different points in the day.  Osunkoya-Clark said that it was an “easy” process to leave class, as she had her pass from Rosok.